Histoire Passion - Saintonge Aunis Angoumois

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Map of roman & ancient roads in Saintonge, Aunis & Angoumois

Thursday 6 December 2007, by Pierre, 3507 visites.

A classical thema of archeology, but also a subject full of traps where it is difficult to find the truth between the gallo-roman roads, the gallic roads and these of middle-age.

Here, the roads are drawn on a satellit map.

Sources :
- Lacurie in Bulletin monumental - Tome 10 - 1844 (see this document)
- Bulletins et mémoires de la SAHC

Map of the ancient roads of the land of Santons

Colors used for drawing :
- light blue : roads described on the Theodosian Table (Peutinger’s map),
- black : roads described on the Antonin’s itinerary (IIIrd cent. aft. J.-C., under the emperor Diocletian),
- white : roads described on both the documents.
- red : other ancient roads.
How to use this map :
- zoom +/- to change the scale
- move map by sliding from a point, or by moving the blue rectangle of the mini-map right down of the map.
- a double-click on a point set it at the center with a zoom + on this point.

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