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Pierre Neau a.k.a. Labrie, from Brie-sous-Matha, emigrates to Quebec circa 1684 - Chronicle and genealogy

Saturday 22 September 2007, by Léo, 1993 visites.

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At the end of the 17th century, several inhabitants from Brie-sous-Matha emigrated to New France. Such is the case of Pierre Neau a.k.a. [1] Labrie, who founded a line in Quebec.

He is the ancestor of very many descendents.

 Pierre NEAU a.k.a. LABRIE, from Brie-sous-Matha, diocese of Saintes (Charente-Maritime), FRANCE

Pierre was born and baptized on August 4, 1655, in the church of Saint-Pierre, in Brie-sous-Matha. He was the son of Jean NAU, merchant, and of Perrine Martin (married on April 27, 1643). The couple had at least five other children:
- Jean (born 2 and baptized on February 4, 1644)
- Marie (born 2 and baptized on March 4, 1646)
- Michel (born 19 and baptized on January 23, 1648)
- Jeanne (baptized on January 28, 1653)
- Matheline (baptized on January 7, 1657)

Pierre may have arrived in CANADA in 1684.

He founded a family by marrying Marie-Thérèse Garand (daughter of Pierre Garand and Renée Chanfrain) on October 6, 1692, at Saint-Laurent, Island of Orleans, near Québec City.

The engaged couple had contracted marriage earlier that year, on July 26, 1692, in Québec City, in the presence of Maitre Louis Chambalon, notary.

The couple had twelve children. Widowed in May 1715, Pierre remarried on April 20, 1716, in La Durantaye (near Lévis), to Marie Gaboury, widow of Antoine Goupil and daughter of Louis Gaboury and Nicole Souillard. Another child was born from this union, on March 15, 1717. Marie Gaboury also gave birth, thereafter, with a natural child (of unknown father) on July 7, 1720.

We thus locate the date of death of Pierre between these two events (1717 and 1720).

“It is as a soldier that Pierre NAU crosses the Atlantic. The historians believe that he took part in the expedition of the governor Lefebvre de La Barre against the Iroquois in the Great Lakes area. When Lefebvre passed his strength in review, at Fort Frontenac, reports Pierre-George Roy, on the boat La Générale were soldiers named Boisjoli, Lamontagne, Arnault and Labrie.

Whatever happened, the ancestor became a navigator, which probably explains the fact that the acts of the marital status relating to him can be found not only in Saint-Laurent, Island of Orleans, but also in the registers of a half-dozen parishes on the South Shore of the St. Lawrence River. It is only circa 1712 that he acquired a piece of land very close to another one belonging to Michel Mailloux, also from Brie-sous-Matha, and whose Mailloux Creek points out the memory“ [translation of Robert Prévost, La Presse, April 13, 1996]

This introduction to the Neau-Labrie history comes from the site of the Association of Nau

 The patronym NEAU in the parish registers of Brie-sous-Matha

- 1- Baptisms

D M Y M/F Name First Name Father’s first name Mother’s last name and first name
06 05 1609 M NEAU Jean Pierre JOZIAU, Anne
18 07 1610 F NEAU Marguerite Louis GRELOT, Marie
14 07 1611 M NEAU Bartholomé Pierre JOZIAU, Anne
12 09 1612 F NEAU Catherine Louis GRELOT, Marie
28 08 1614 F NEAU Antoinette Louis GRELOT, Marie
05 07 1620 F NEAU Berthomée Louis GRELOT, Marie
29 04 1621 F NEAU Marie Pierre JOZIAU, Anne
03 11 1622 F NEAU Michelle Louis GRELOT, Marie
04 02 1644 M NEAU Jean Jean MARTIN, Perrine
04 03 1646 F NEAU Marie Jean MARTIN, Perrine
26 01 1648 M NEAU Michel Jean MARTIN, Perrine
25 07 1649 M NEAU Jean Pierre ESMOND, Pentecôte
28 01 1653 F NEAU Jeanne Jean MARTIN, Perrine
02 08 1654 F NEAU Marie Pierre ESMOND, Pentecôte
04 08 1655 M NEAU Pierre Jean MARTIN , Perrine
07 01 1657 F NEAU Matheline Jean MARTIN, Perrine
11 08 1658 M NEAU Michel Pierre ESMOND, Pentecôte
26 12 1674 F NEAU Marie Jean CHASTELIER, Justine
05 06 1676 F NEAU Nicole Jean CHASTELIER, Justine
04 07 1677 M NEAU Pierre Jean CHASTELIER, Justine
19 02 1680 M NEAU Jacques Jean CHASTELIER, Justine
03 05 1683 F NEAU Jeanne Jean CHASTELIER, Justine
29 05 1782 M NEAU Pierre Pierre BASTARD, Marie deceased at a young age
07 12 1783 M NEAU Michel Pierre BASTARD, Marie

- 2- Marriages

D M Y Husband Wife Wife’s city of origin Son/daughter of
27 04 1643 NEAU, Jean MARTIN, Perrine Brie-sous-Matha Pierre NEAU
08 01 1646 NEAU, Pierre ALLARD, Pentecoste Ballans
24 11 1649 GARDAIS, Pierre NEAU, Marguerite Brie-sous-Matha

- 3- Deaths

D M Y M/F Name First name Age / act Estimated date of birth
15 09 1658 M NEAU, Michel 0
26 01 1680 M NEAU, Pierre 55
27 02 1722 F NEAU, Marie 63 1659 Widow of MESGRIER
21 10 1737 M NEAU, Jean 60 1677

[1a.k.a. : also known as

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