Histoire Passion - Saintonge Aunis Angoumois

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Archaeology - Chassenon (Charente) - Images of the site - september 2007

Monday 17 September 2007, by Pierre, 976 visites.

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

Chassenon, called Cassinomagus by our gallo-roman ancestors, is mentioned on the antic maps (table of Peutinger). The site and its excavations are a happiness for the visitor and probably too for the archaeologists.

A quick visit in images, during the "Journées du Patrimoine 2007".
If an opportunity leads you to the "Charente limousine", don’t miss this visit. Otherwise, create the opportunity.

The pictures are on the french page (to enlarge the images, click on the thumbnails). - More about Chassenon

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