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1197 ? - The good usages and the good customs and the good judgments of the commune of Oleron.

Saturday 27 December 2008, by Pierre, 1032 visites.

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

Today, it’s the oldest text in saintongese language published on this website : the custom of the commune of Oleron. People says this old chart would have been granted to the islanders by Alienor of Aquitaine herself (picture).

The table of contents. The text of the articles will come soon.

Source : The Black Book of the Admiralty - Vol 2 - Sir Travers Twiss - London - 1873 - BNF Gallica

About the charts of the communes, see :
- 1174 - 1242 - Les "Etablissements de Rouen", charte des "communes" en Saintonge, Aunis et Angoumois
- 1146 - 1390 - Chronologie des actes d’organisation des communes en Saintonge, Aunis, Angoumois et Poitou

Table of contents.

Of the court of the mayor i.
Of warrantors ii.
When a record of the court is demanded iii.
When the defendant shall pass with his oath iv.
When the plaintiff fails to take the oath v.
When the defendant fails to take the oath vi.
Of landed estate vii.
Of a heritage held at a chief rent viii.
He who does not excuse his warrantors beforehand ix.
Of a man taken in trespass x.
Of beasts taken in trespass xi.
Of fines on cattle trespassing xii.
When a man marries xiii.
Of dower xiv.
He who sells his heritage xv.
Of the four lords xvi.
Of the oath xvii.
When several persons commit a trespass xviii.
When the servant of a prudhome is cited xix.
To substitute an attorney in one’s place xx.
To vouch a warrantor xxi.
When a man sells salt to another xxii.
Of an infant below age xxiii.
Of the guardianship of an infant minor. xxiv.
Of the father as guardian xxv.
If a building tumbles down xxvi
Of a man who is not of the commune . xxvii.
When the provost accuses another xxviii.
When a man makes another his surety. xxix.
Of bushing the meadows xxx.
Of a beast tethered xxxi.
Of the landes xxxii.
Of the marshes xxxiii.
Of the storeing of a ship xxxiv.
Of boundary posts xxxv.
Of a Sabbatee xxxvi.
Of warrens xxxvii.
Of the run of the rabbits xxxviii.
To have access to an estate enclosed amongst others xxxix.
Of the mayor xl.
Of trespass in an enclosed orchard xli.
Of the difference between an enclosed and an unenclosed orchard xlii.
He who trespasses in the forest of Availle. xliii.
Where the plaintiff advances several demands. xliv.
Of a day assigned xlv.
When a man speaks for another xlvi.
When there is war in Oleron xlvii.
When a man is produced to warrant xlviii.
Of sureties xlix.
Of seisin l.
Of a warrantor li.
Of contracts lii.
Of landed estate by tenure liii.
Of the mayor liv.
He who freights the ship of another Iv.
When a man buys wine of another Ivi.
When a son who is the ward of his father is cited Ivii.
When a man of the commune sues a man who is not of the commune lviii.
Of a suit for land before the mayor lix.
Of costs and demurrage for the suit lx.
He who goes of counsel to another lxi.
When a lord demands jurisdiction over his vassal lxii.
When two are partners in one vessel lxiii.
When several are partners in one vessel lxiv.
A mariner shall share in every tiling taken outride his vessel Ixv.
Of saltworkers lxvi.
When batel takes place by champfons . Ixvii.
Of criminal causes lxviii.
When batel is waged body to body Ixix.
Of beasts taken in trespass lxx.
When a man is taken in trespass lxxi.
When trespass is made in a vineyard lxxii.
Of vines lxxiii.
Of batel body to body in Oleron lxxiv.
The passing toll of Jews lxxv.
The dues on shipping lxxvi.
When ships disturb fishing nets lxxvii.
Of two partners lxxviii.
Of the mayor Ixxix.
Of bargains and contracts lxxx.
Of a warrantor to prove an assault or a tort . lxxxi.
Of a ship at anchor lxxxii.
Of the partners in a ship lxxxiii.
When chatels are arrested in Oleron lxxxiv.
When the lord wishes to take the town of another lxxxv.
When a mariner fails to protect his ship lxxxvi.
A part-owner of his ship may sell his part lxxxvii.
Of the master of a ship lxxxviii.
Women not allowed to take an oath in person lxxxix.
Of wine-presses xc.
Of mills xci.
Of roads xcii.
When a man finds his property upon another xciii.
Of jettison xciv.
The ship pays the keelage and the sea-pilot . xcv.
The cargo pays the stowage xcvi.
The ship pays the plankage dues xcvii.

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